Libros ilustrados


VINLAND · SALVA RUBIO / STEBBA ÓSK ÓMARSDÓTTIR 20 x 25 cm / 40 pages / hardback binding / 978-84-15357-68-1 / children WORLD RIGHTS AVAILABLE

This terrible Viking story is based on the two Greenland sagas about the exploration of America (Vinland), focused on the last expedition by Freydis, Eirik The Red’s daughter.
Vinland was a land of wine, a land full of riches. But why Vikings didn’t go anymore? Ambition and betrayal poisoned the last trip to America by the Vikings.

The Icelandic illustrator Stebba Ósk Ómarsdóttir recreated the Viking aesthetics inspired by the stone carvings from Hammars (Gotland, Sweden) and Jellinge (Denmark), and as every Viking story, couldn’t lack magic runes.

The Heritage Collection is a series of picture books to make widely known for children the European aesthetic heritage, represented on popular crafts and arts. The aim is to show how ancient cultures looked at the world.
